Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The First Day of Kindergarten!

The first day of Kindergarten has come and gone.  It couldn't have gone better!  We were all going to go...Daddy, Mommy and see Aron off.  Everyone was showered, dressed, backpacks were packed, shoes on and in the car ready to go...on time!  An amazing feat in itself.  That NEVER happens!

It took us a whole 10 minutes from house to the school parking lot to the Kindergarten playground.  As we walked, hand in hand, Aron's excitement seemed to turn to nervousness as he realized that he was supposed to let go of mommy's hand and go play in the playground until class started.  There were so many kids in the playground...I mean at least 60.  And parents circled the outer wall inside and out.  He just wanted to "go to his classroom first".  I told him he didn't have to play if he didn't want to, that he could wait with me.  But, I think after seeing that none of the other kids were waiting with their parents, he decided it was time.  With mommy leading the way, we made it into the playground.  The first slide on the slide and a big grin came to his face and off he ran!  Everyone was having fun either playing or watching the children play.  It's funny, I have had MANY first days of school, but I don't remember them.  Were they this crazy when I was little?  Hm.  Well, crazy is a little strong of a word.  It was really quite controlled and civilized.  But you would EXPECT that from adults and their kids, right? 

The kids got to play for just a few minutes and then it was time to grab their backpacks and line up with their class.  Aron didn't hear the teacher call for her class the first time.  Luckily, he made eye contact with me and I was able to motion him over.  He got into line and waited patiently with the other little boys and girls.  Mommy, of course, was trying to get pictures at every angle of her little boy standing in line for his first day!  You can never have TOO many pictures of kids in a line, can you?  You just never know!!!  :)  

With all kids accounted for, it was time to head first, then parents.  First order of business, find your coat hook and hang up your backpack.  Then time to find your table and have a seat.  Aron acted like a Kindergarten pro.  By the time Daddy, Katelyn and Mommy made their way into the classroom, he was already sitting at his table!  Good job, Aron!  He sat their politely...while mommy took multiple pictures of him, of course!  And after just a couple of quick welcoming comments from the teacher, it was time to "blow your mommies and daddies a kiss goodbye".  And that was it!  Years of waiting and weeks of wishing it were time, and it was over in a matter of 15 minutes.  No crying...well, at least not in the morning (more on that in a minute).

It was a strange feeling driving off, leaving my little boy in the care of someone else...for the entire day!  But it felt right.  I wasn't even sad.  Of course, I had taken care of that the night before.  Around midnight last night, Kindergarten Eve, the realization came to me that Aron wasn't going to be around anymore during the day.  That I was going to miss him...I mean REALLY miss him!  I just started to cry and the cries turned into sobs as I felt myself to be a terrible mother for not doing more for him, with him, during our stay-at-home time together.  But Kindergarten, while not a choice, was the best thing that we could have done for him.  I know he needed Kindergarten...more than I needed him to go to Kindergarten.  I know I have complained about his whining and his craziness for a long time now.  But, the reason for it, was that he was bored.  Truly bored.  And in need of some honest to goodness social interaction.  The kind which I could not provide for him.  I know I am the mom and I know I am the best teacher.  But, I am also able to admit that I just couldn't do it.  Sometimes you need to call a professional!  And Aron is going to benefit immensely!

So, mommy had her first day alone.  It was so quiet in the house.  Very strange not to have Aron and Katelyn both running around, begging for snacks or drinks of water or juice.  Or fighting!  There was no fighting, no whining, no crying today.  I, myself, was doing really well at not crying until Daddy proceeded to ask me if I was going to be ok.  "Are you sure?"  Well, not anymore!  :)  I was able to get it under control.  I didn't have a plan on what I was going to do.  Someone had recommended that I just take the time to decompress and I think that was an awesome idea.  But, those of you who know me well, know that I can't just sit around and do nothing...for long.  But, I took it easy.  I cleaned my kitchen table and chairs.  It hadn't been done in so long.  You can easily get tired of cleaning the table after breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner.  Believe me!  There was stuff stuck in places...I don't even know how it got there!  If that was the only thing I did for the day, I was happy.  I was also happy that I was able to just walk from one room to the other without being stopped for some reason by a child.  I was actually able to keep a thought in my head for an extended period of time!  Go mommy!  I did not rush to try to get something done before I was distracted into doing something someone ELSE wanted me to do.  I did what I wanted, when I wanted, HOW I wanted.  It was SO nice!!!  Now, don't get me wrong, I thought about Aron every moment of the day.  And I watched the clock closely so as not to miss the time I needed to leave to go pick him up.  (That was one thing I was afraid of...that I would fall asleep and get to the school late!)  The time did not go by too quickly and it didn't go by too slow.  It seemed just right!  Three o'clock...time to get Katelyn up from her nap and into the car for the short 5 minute drive to the school.

By the time we arrived, the kids had not yet emerged from their classroom.  As they began to walk into the playground...single file, of course...I looked, but didn't see Aron.  And at the last minute, there he was...the last in line.  Last is ok, maybe he forgot something.  Or maybe he was holding the door open for all the other kids.  That sounds more like Aron...he does that all the time!  :)  One by one, the teacher looked up and found the parents that belonged to her children.  And one by one, she gave them each a high five and sent them on their way.  Aron got his high five and ran through the gate calling "Mommy!".  That is the best sound in the world.  Nothing make me feel better than to hear him yell my name after I haven't seen him for a while.  I guess he DOES miss me when I'm not around, even though he said he didn't!  :)  Well, I missed him, that's for sure!!!  And I made sure to let him know.   "So, did you have fun?".  "YES!".  "So, does this mean that you wanna go back tomorrow?".  "Yes, of course, I wanna go back tomorrow!".  Well, good...because he will be going tomorrow and the day after that...and the day after that...and the day after....

All in all, a very good day was had by all!  Until tomorrow...

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