Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Day After the First Day of Kindergarten

Day 2...otherwise known as the Day After the First Day of Kindergarten...started off without a hitch!  I guess we're lucky that Aron is a pretty early riser, around 7am, so it really wasn't a struggle getting him up this morning.  He wanted to "sleep a little bit more", but that is completely expected after the busy day he had yesterday.  I didn't even have to go up and pull him out of bed.  After just a few minutes, he was up and starting to get ready for school.  With just a little help from Mommy to tuck in his undershirt and re-button his shirt (buttons can be a challenge for any of us!), he was good to go.  Breakfast was had, teeth were brushed and shoes were put on.  Daddy and Aron have a plan in place.  The night before, they pack their lunches and put them in the fridge.  So, Mommy had that packed into his backpack and ready to go as well.  Even with all that to do in the morning, Aron still had some time to kill.  What better way than to antagonize his baby sister!  Ahhh, that's my boy!  Katelyn must inspire him, because as soon as he saw her coloring, he just had to as well.  But not in his own coloring book.  NO!  He had to try to help her with hers.  Well, Katelyn does not like to share coloring books, and she will let you know it!  Of course, Mommy's recommendation that he find his OWN coloring book was not good enough.  He thought it more fun to just sit and pout.  "Why don't you turn on some cartoons?", I suggest.  Ohhhh, but the TV apparently isn't working!!!  OH NO!!!  What can we do???  Uh, turn it ON, maybe?  Hm.  Yep, that kind of morning.  Following simple directions seemed to be difficult this morning, too.  The question, "Do you talk that way to your teacher?" came up a few times.  Fortunately, he got over this quickly, just in time to leave for school. 

The whole family wasn't going this morning.  Today we tried out our new routine.  Daddy would take Aron to school and drop him off.  So, kisses and hugs and "have a good day"s were taken care of and off they went.  No problem.  From what Daddy tells me, Aron was a little apprehensive this time.  I wonder why?  Do you think he is beginning to get that he will be doing this for the next 13 years?  Shhh...don't tell him!  :)  Daddy watched him as he walked with his class into the building.  No photos, no parents gathering around gushing over them with "my baby's so grown up" looks in their eyes.  Just drop and go.  The first day is over, now it's time to get down to business! 

Mommy and Katelyn stayed behind this morning and did our usual morning things.  Mommy had breakfast while Katelyn said "mommy!" a million times!  Yep, it was one of THOSE days, too!  Once she realized that I was not going to read a book until I had some food in my belly, she calmed down and started to play.  Soon enough, the toast was gone, and it was storytime.  I think Katelyn really likes the fact that she has mommy all to herself.  :)  Once storytime was done, mommy felt like it was time to do something about the MESS in the living room.  You know how they say, "if you want something done right, do it yourself"?  Well, that could not be more true in my house.  I hope Aron learns some cleaning skills in Kindergarten, because he is NOT good at picking up his toys and putting them where they belong.  He loves to just STUFF things where they seem to fit.  It's no wonder he can never find what he is looking for!  So, mommy and Katelyn put away books, blocks and Legos (the dreaded Legos).  Trash went in the trash can, dishes went where dishes belong...YES, it was THAT bad!  Pretty soon, I could see the floor again!  Well, if you can see the floor, you might as well vacuum it.  Ta Da!!!  Clean living room!  YAY!!!  I don't know why, but when my house is cluttered, my mind feels cluttered and I can't think.  Imagine how much thinking I could do if my whole HOUSE was clean!!!  I worry about doing too much around the house and Aron thinking that I'm glad he's gone.  I know that seems a little overboard, but he is a sensitive little guy.  So, baby steps.  One thing at a time.  Gradually, I will get to all the things that I want to do.  I don't have just hours or days...I have YEARS!!!  I better make a list!  :) 

As I said earlier, Katelyn was quite whiny today.  All she would say is "Mommy, mommy, mommy".  She never would answer me about what was wrong or what she wanted.  She hadn't done that in a while.  I really wish I knew why she gets that way.  Maybe she was just tired.  Maybe she was missing Aron.  I'm sure Aron would love to hear that!  I think with Aron at school, I'm really gonna have to start getting her on a better schedule.  I think she learned a lot of Aron's bad habits, too.  For example, asking for something to eat or drink...constantly!  She demands attention just as much as Aron did.  The two of them together was like being drawn and quartered.  Neither of them was getting the attention they wanted.  Well, Katelyn will have that now.  But I still have to be careful not to let her wrap me around her little finger.  She already does that a little.  I need to break a few of my OWN habits, it seems.  :)

I seem to have a lot more energy the past couple of days.  I mean, I still do get tired.  But that is more because I go to bed SO late.  I just don't like to go to bed.  It cuts into my "Mommy" time.  I like to prolong it as much as possible.  But the kind of tired I used to feel was more of a warn down kind of tired.  I was physically AND mentally tired.  It is so tough when your mind is just constantly occupied by someone else's thoughts or words.  There was just never any peace of mind.  Even when Katelyn would be napping, Aron was always pulling me in an opposite direction from where I wanted to be.  On the rare occasion when Aron would actually take quiet time, I was torn between doing something I wanted to do and something I SHOULD be doing.  And then, I was still focused on Aron, if he was actually napping, or was he just running around upstairs.  Now, during naptime, I KNOW Katelyn is asleep because I can see it on the monitor.  And when I sit down and take some time for myself, I find myself getting tired and almost drifting off to sleep.  BUT, I never let myself fall asleep...I am terrified that I WILL fall asleep and then miss pick up time at the school!!!  Oh, then I would feel like the worst mom in the world.  Can you imagine???  NOT gonna happen.  Note to self: Set earlier naptime for Katelyn so mommy can take a nap without missing picking up Aron!  :)

The end of the school day came a little sooner than yesterday.  Not literally sooner, but it sure felt like it.  Maybe it was because I wasn't watching the time go by, wondering what my little boy was doing at that exact moment.  It's not that I forgot about him.  I just didn't worry about him as much.  Well, I do kind of flinch every time the phone rings, thinking it's the school needing me to come pick him up for some reason.  He'll be fine, mommy...he'll be fine!  :)  I guess that will take a while to get over.  Well, pick up went the same as the day before.  Nothing special.  Just high five and off he goes!  When I asked him what he did today, he told me he colored a picture of a bear.  "What else did you do?"  "I don't remember".  That must have been SOME bear picture if that is all he remembers about school.  Oh, and he remembered lunch and recess!  What do you expect?  He's in Kindergarten! :)  We have yet to make it straight home after school...Tuesday was the grocery store and today was Katelyn's doctor...but I think we might have to start doing so.  Aron seems to be getting cranky way before his bedtime.  I don't think they "nap" at school.  And with all that thinking and playing, he may need to have some "quiet" time when he gets home.  Let's put it this way...I might need him to have "quiet" least till dinner is ready.  I mean if I get tired, I'm positive he is too.  He would never admit, I know, but I can just tell...that boy sure does LOVE to argue!  He MUST be his mother's son!  :)

Well, the first week of school is halfway done.  His homework is going well so far, too.  It is tough homework...we have to read to him at least 15 minutes each day!  Oh, and he has to write his name a bunch of times on lined paper.  David can handle that!  :)  I think we are both going to survive.  Slow and steady.  We both just need some time to adjust.  Maybe not as much time as others might need.  I think we both were SO ready for this.  Ready to be have some peace...peace of mind!  Goodnight!

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